Showing 11 Result(s)
teenage ocd symptoms

10 Ways I Made Teenage OCD Symptoms Worse

10 Ways I Made Teenage OCD Symptoms Worse Parenting a teenager with OCD is incredibly tough, especially when you unintentionally feed it and make it a million times worse. Here are ten ways I made my teenager’s OCD symptoms worse– and how to avoid making the same mistakes. 1. Did I Pass OCD On To …

5 Childhood OCD Causes: What You Need To Know

5 Childhood OCD Causes: What You Need To Know When it comes to childhood OCD causes, what are the five most significant triggers you need to be aware of to help prevent OCD from taking hold and affecting your child’s life?” To any parents out there who have missed symptoms of childhood OCD. Or potential …

childhood ocd

Parenting A Child With OCD? 5 Tips to Staying Sane

When you’re parenting a child with OCD, how can you make sure you’re taking care of yourself? Parenting a child with OCD is exhausting. Both mentally and physically. Trust me, I have been there, so I know first-hand how tough it can be. Not even a quick trip to the supermarket or having lunch with …

Julie Derrick author of the Mind Monsters books for OCD with the Hank the Hungry Monster character

Childhood OCD: 5 Things I’d Do Differently

Childhood OCD: What 5 Things Would I Do Differently? When confronted by childhood OCD, I did everything wrong. And life as I knew it went out of the window! What followed were over five years of hell. If only I had known then what I know now. But hindsight, as they say, is a wonderful …

pass GCSE maths ibn four weeks by Jeevan Singh

Pass GCSE Maths in Four Weeks: Is It Achievable?

Pass GCSE Maths in Four Weeks? Can you really help your child pass GCSE in just four weeks? It’s a big promise, isn’t it? As a mum who has personally used this product, I will give my honest opinion of whether I think Jeevan’s Sing’s Pass GCSE Maths in four weeks can be achieved. In …

Julie Derrick review of Pass GCSE Maths in Four Weeks

Pass GCSE Maths in Four Weeks Review [warts and all]

Will Pass GCSE Maths in four weeks improve your child’s maths GCSE grade? Today, I will review the Pass GCSE Maths in Four weeks for you, warts and all! Hi, I’m Julie, wife to Roy and mum to two daughters. So I know first-hand how stressful revision time can be and how challenging it can …

rocket french free trial

Rocket Languages Free Trial Review: What’s Included?

What do you get with the Rocket Languages Free Trial? And will it help you learn new languages like French, Italian and Spanish? Hi, I’m Julie. I’m a busy wife and mum trying to juggle running a home and work while still finding some spare time to keep sane by learning new things, including languages. …

How To Spot Signs of Childhood OCD At School [5 Tips]

Would you know how to spot a child with OCD at school? Here are five clues to look out for: 1. Signs of Childhood OCD: Avoiding rooms, people or desks Children with OCD will often avoid classrooms, people or desks. A fear of becoming contaminated usually drives this. How do people, classrooms or desks become …

Julie Derrick author of the Mind Monsters Books

Childhood OCD Turned Me Into An Author!

Prior to my daughter developing childhood OCD, I had zero plans to become an author. Ask anyone who knows me, and they would confirm that I would be the last person you would ever expect to put herself out there and publish a book…let alone two. I had very little self-confidence. And didn’t consider myself …