2 Mind Monsters Book Bundle!


Order both The Mind Monsters Books and save MONEY. You’ll get signed copies, a gift(UK only).

If you live outside of the UK, copies can be purchased via Amazon and most other leading book retailers.

Remember: 50% of all profits are being donated, by the author, to CAMHS (Children & Adolescent Mental Health Services), an NHS-funded service. 

Discounts are available for bulk orders of 10 books or more.   


The Mind Monsters books were written to raise awareness of childhood OCD and to help younger children speak up to OCD.

Both books feature Hank, who represents OCD.

In the first book, Hank the Hungry Monster, the OCD theme is contamination OCD. And the OCD trigger is being bullied.

In the second book, Trixie the Treat Monster, the theme of OCD is perfectionism. The OCD trigger is missing a penalty shoot.

50% of the profits from these books will be donated to CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health services).

Save money by purchasing both books together (UK only).

If you live outside of the UK, you can purchase copies  from Amazon and most other leading book retailers.





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